Jessica Lynn, hailing from the rural town of Aguanga, CA, in Riverside County, is the owner of Earth Song Ranch, a one-woman operation offering a holistic approach to horse care through natural products and nutritional expertise. Jessica took part in The Center’s Digital Growth Accelerator (DGA) which is helping diverse entrepreneurs leverage technology to enhance their business growth.

The Center by Lendistry (TCbL): What led you to start your business?
Jessica Lynn (JL): I have always been passionate about natural health for horses, but it wasn’t until I was fired from a job that I decided to pursue my business as a serious endeavor. It was then that I dove into marketing books and started to get creative, reaching out to horse magazines offering to write articles in exchange for advertising my services. It worked and many of those readers turned clients, still rely on me. Now I craft quality, nutrient-dense products using the best organic and wildcrafted herbs, prebiotics, probiotics, and digestive enzymes, and provide personalized support to horse owners.

TCbL: What did you gain through The Center’s Digital Growth Accelerator?
JL: Being selected for the Digital Growth Accelerator program has been transformative for me. Through the program, I’ve strengthened my digital weaknesses, enhanced my website, and boosted my online visibility. The personalized guidance from Mike Cano has been invaluable, helping me navigate the intricacies of digital marketing and make necessary improvements to increase my website’s traffic.

TCbL: Are you actively involved in your community?
JL: I’m very active in my community, helping many with their horses’ challenges; I mostly do this for no pay, just asking those I help to pay it forward when they can. We are a rural underserved area and often, many people cannot afford consistent vet care for their beloved animals. To help offset that cost, I set up bi-monthly clinics with my veterinarian friend offering wellness checks, chiropractic, acupuncture and homeopathic care at a very reduced cost. I also support two mini horse rescues, providing products that help them nurse sickly horses back to health, making it easier for these little ones to find new loving homes.

Learn more about Earth Song Ranch on their website or follow them on social media:
Website | Facebook

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